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List of Emergency Preparedness Grants for Your Agency

List of Emergency Preparedness Grants

If you haven't already seen our previous post in the Grants 101 series on The 4 Steps for Getting Your Agency Registered to Receive Federal Grants, please check that out first.

Emergency Preparedness Grants

The U.S. government offers a variety of funding options for state and local organizations seeking to enhance emergency preparedness and disaster response. While most funding is offered through FEMA and DHS, other federal agencies have opportunities for emergency preparedness support. The best options for funding are listed below. Deadlines, requirements, and funding amounts will vary. Organizations should register at prior to starting an application.

List of Funding Options from the Federal Government

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Federal Emergency Management Agency

US Department of Health & Human Services

US Department of Justice

US Department of Agriculture

US Department of Education

US Department of Transportation

US Department of Housing and Urban Development

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