First TC3X Medical Simulator Orders Being Delivered on Schedule

TraumaFX, a division of Kforce Government Solutions, Inc. (KGS) and a leading global provider of advanced, ruggedized human and canine medical training simulators, today announced that the first phase shipments for Tactical Combat Casualty Care – Exportable (TC3X) medical simulators are being fulfilled on schedule. Thus far, 32 systems in total have been deployed to Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Carson, CO; Fort Polk, LA; Fort Benning, GA; Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Fort Lee (Picket, VA); and Fort Bragg, NC. Deployment includes delivery of the simulators and accessories, as well as New Equipment Training for the staff who will be operating them.
The TC3X systems are designed to support training for non-medical personnel, teaching them essential, life-saving medical interventions. Each TC3X system consists of a TraumaFX HEMO lower body simulator, and a TraumaFX AirwayPlus Lifecast with Pulses and Breathing Upper – some with different extremity injuries.
TC3X was initiated to help soldiers train soldiers on critical lifesaving tasks for injuries sustained on the battlefield. When an injury occurs, often the first person on-site is not a medic, but rather another soldier. Improving core TCCC skills such as hemorrhage control and airway management, for all soldiers, will help save lives on the battlefield.
“TC3X is a substantial program that has the potential to save a lot of lives,” said Carolyn Hollander, Vice President of TraumaFX at KGS. “TraumaFX provided the equipment during the pilot phase of this program, and we’re proud to support PEO STRI as it begins wide-scale roll-out to bases across the country and internationally.”
The initial TC3X order is for 77 complete systems (comprised of an upper and lower body simulator) deployed to 27 locations. Current plans have deliveries and training taking place each month through August, 2019.
TraumaFX products are now sold under the TacMed Simulation brand. It joins TacMed Medical and TacMed Protection as a suite of complimentary products for the continuum of pre-hospital patient care.
- Tags: Simulation TraumaFX